And now our second hit, the Fantastic content management follows. The large advantage of our programs is, which they are developed du
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Fantastic Content Management 4.0 incl. zusätzl. Datenbank 4.0
Win 95Unix / Linux /NT/2000/98
Date Released:
January 26, 2002
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Date added:
Sep 27, 2005
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And now our second hit, the Fantastic content management follows. The large advantage of our programs is, which they are developed during our practical experiences as Web masters and so also with us are constantly controlled and developed further. But we are not only programmers, but also designers. And like that the formative abilities of our programs are simple upsetting. They can use nearly as many features as with a HTML editor. They have mostly variable possibilities, its texts, Logos, photo, diagrams, Scripte, of using codes among other things. In the new self-service realm you can use for everyone of the six possible magazines up to 12 columns. Our experiences say that in the everyday life of the Webmasters completely is sufficient. They can arrange Headline preview, short EMS and extensive article sides variable in each case and occupy with content. They can variable put on to the magazines different sides with older articles. And you will be able to make still many more in the future. Visit our examples, the regional magazine e.g. have 5 different expenditures and we to update sometimes also once per hour. As soon as a message clean-comes, it takes only few minutes and it is on-line. And nevertheless we need converted less time for it. But our visitors thank it us and become nearly daily noticeably more.
FUNDAMENTAL: 1 - 6 different homepage with different URLs * or up to six of different homepage contents managable (* condition is, which all URLs lies on the same server) Setting-up bar with up to 12 different columns for each magazine Are administered: New range Subsequent article Older articles . Messages can: registered - activated - are deactivated (to be thus suspended also at short notice) - edited - to be extended and naturally also deleted . Up to 5 photos can be included by Upload in consequence-oh-arranged. Naturally you have the possibility, as many photos or diagrams as you would like to bring in over the HTML boxes. A part of the photos is just as alignable as the Thumbnail preview freely. . Variable message entry possibilities by repeat functions for completely different magazine layouts. . The message can be occupied as short message with and without foreignleft, with program-produced continuation page or manual continuation page. Target, comments, older articles side insertable. . Extensive and also many possibilities free in the organization of arranging the message continuation pages. The actual message is thus in principle providable without ftp entrance - vacation-able: -) By ftp naturally no borders are set. All sides are put down statically on the server and remain preserved also after the deletion (freely after the unwritten law of the Web masters to never delete a side on the server. Because also over it still visitors can come) Thus within the Admin range, thus hardly Traffic is only produced during the new self-service working - the visitor loads the static sides, which can be also always and seized at any time by search machines Variable column configuration for the News sides priority of the columns Sort functions: Manually, menu guidance and new completely above Double selection of the integration into your homepage: 1. As unmarried index side with Frames above and laterally for menus or banner 2. As Einzelframe mergable into your existing Frames/Indexseite. No own data base necessarily, thus independently of MySQL or others possibly not on the server programs present Freely selectable update possibility and archiving of the side with the older articles. Partly three-way protected Admin range against attacks from the outside. Backup of all most important LOGS and data files on the server They need only a cgi listing, Perl, ftp entrance zumindestens for the installation and sufficient storage location for the News and continuation pages which can be produced. UNIX system desired, executably also on NT Since you have also very individual possibilities for the organization into the HTML boxes, you should have basic experiences in HTML. In principle you get along in addition, nearly without HTML knowledge, better are it however. Under you find very instructive information in addition. P.S. Do not use ms front PAGE, also not the newest generation, since these HTML editor produces also today still indefinable, blind codes, which sometimes destroy parts of the produced data. We recommend NAMO, Dreamweaver or completely simply to note PAD, if you control HTML.
Variable insertable EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENTS: Top Newsbox with up to three messages variable in two places of the homepage Listing of the newest Headlines time-steered variable in two places of the homepage Announcement of the actualization date in two places the PAGE News with or without Thumbnails Indicate to a time-steered AGAIN diagram or text on the News side Zuwaehlbares Textmenueim upper range with up to six menu options Two additional text boxes, which can to be arranged be able to be variable occupied and with texts or diagrams after choice. They can be connected independently in two different places of the homepage individually or both COMMENT FUNCTION: They can assign as desired a comment function to each message. The Web master gets an email after entry of a comment sent. Data security: Only with abuse to you the necessary and attainable data bad-willing users are additionally sent. Badword function MESSAGE A SUPPLYING: Their visitors have the possibility insertable of you of sending own messages immediately over the new side.
EXTENSIVE layout possibilities: Adaptable for a screen resolution after choice Completely independently you can arrange each magazine variable, therein again independently the new side, the continuation page and also the side with the listing of the older articles TOP: In or zweispaltiger sentence within the message output On all sides all table attributes such as size of, background colours table and cell. Background diagrams can be inserted just as as width and color of the edges and naturally also cellspacing and cellpadding. With the News additionally the insertable possibility of table holding for diagrams, in order to be able to represent frameworks. These tables are as desired adjustable like all configurable tables in the size. Different data of the Fonts in type, size, style and color for the News, the Headlines, the continuation pages, columns and the side with the older articles. Data in Style Sheet. Extra data for the appearance of the on the left of, thus e.g. more hover, underline Extra boxes on all sides as follows: New side: down above and five pieces in the right column continuation page: down above and in the right column an older one: Down and you can insert one in the right column in these boxes HTML code as desired, thus tables, texts, diagrams, photo, banner advertisement. Shortnews: Time-steered indication of the newest messages in variable places of the News side Script box: For Scripte of all kinds, which must be put down in the Head range, thus you can use Javascript, Flash etc. also on all sides and insert thus interactive, sound-moderate and film-like Multimedia effects. Meta box: For the input of the Meta tags within the Head range of the sides Body tags: All adjustment possibilities, additionally script able entries possible Diagram/text change-over: They can select e.g. the column headings, lines, new diagram, new box, alternatively WITHOUT extra activation as text or as diagram. Advertising banner: At present four firm, activatable are available advertising places within the new side for your banner codes (shortly an integrable spell wheel module inclusive appears. Admin etc..) Badwordliste, which can be provided by the Web master for the comment function
On these homepage you can examples of the results examine, further more extensive layout examples follow! www.husum (5 magazines) www.openair www.partout www.schwarze ... and a view of the assistance side with many screen Shots
So far, nothing for that!
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MP3&Wav converter v1.09
Mp3&Wav Converter is a software that directly convert audio from mp3 to wav, also wav to mp3 format. It convert the audio digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of the originals. You can convert mp3 to wav, so you ca ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $18 | Downloads: 1339
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
DesktopMaster 2.0
DesktopMaster offers you a perfect preview of zipped desktop themes before you install them on your computer! The trial version is limited to 21 days! Install, manage and create your themes with DesktopMaster Perfect preview and direct install of zippe ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E19.9 | Downloads: 1551
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
The MusicManager 6.1
A shareware program that will help you keep track of your music collection : quickly find all the albums you have of a specific artist quickly find all the songs of a particular artist quickly find all the version you have of a song get up-to-date ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $23 | Downloads: 1368
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
The Scroll Upgrade 3.0
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Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
WinCDG Pro 2 2.503
WinCDG Pro 2 is the All-in-One solution for the home KJ. WinCDG Pro 2 now adds direct CD+G and VCD playback, plus MP3+G creation and playback. Our new ultra-fast display routines work on even low-end PC`s and supports the complete CD+G specifications. New ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $59.95 | Downloads: 1815
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Photo-Printery 4.0
Use your printer optimally and print your photos and pictures with CAD-KAS Photo-Printer! With the program you can create collages out of your picture material. You can arrange pictures as desired on the worksheet and change the size of this pictures. By ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $16 | Downloads: 1266
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
WinCDG-Pro 2 Dual-Licence 2.503
Two Licences of WinCDG-Pro 2. First for $50 and the second for $40 (20% off). Please refer to WinCDG-Pro2 (141628) for software description. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $99.95 | Downloads: 1372
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Halftone plug-in 1.04
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Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
MP3 Converter 2.17
A very capable MP3 to WAV (and vice versa) converter. It supports a wide variety of bitrates (up to 256 Kbs), and allows you to queue up the files you want to convert. Conversion occurs at a pretty good speed, and the interface is easy to navigate and fai ... | 0 | Win 95Win CE / Pocket PC /NT/2 | $24.95 | Downloads: 1367
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
KarAll-ADV Multimedia midi karaoke MP3 player 1.13
`Advanced` version. Advanced Multimedia Midi Karaoke player KarAll can play MID KAR file that contains the lyric text in every! format. Karaoke also on files MP3, WAV, WMA, etc Full functional unlimited Databases management (MS Access format). Programs, ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E150 | Downloads: 1319
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
AquaSoftware Bildschirmschonermodul für DiaShow 3.5 1.0
... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | E13 | Downloads: 3030
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
AquaSoftware Bildschirmschonermodul für DiaShow 3.5 (kommerzieller Einsatz) 1.0
... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | E26 | Downloads: 3007
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
ST Thumbnails Explorer (2-9 license) 1.1
Very fast full-function file manager with explorer-like interface which allows to browse the thumbnails of files of the widespread vector editors, as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW and Macromedia FreeHand (AI, CDR, CMX, CCX, CDT, PAT, FH7, FH8, FH9, FH10, F ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $21.9 | Downloads: 1322
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
ST Thumbnails Explorer (26-100 license) 1.1
Very fast full-function file manager with explorer-like interface which allows to browse the thumbnails of files of the widespread vector editors, as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW and Macromedia FreeHand (AI, CDR, CMX, CCX, CDT, PAT, FH7, FH8, FH9, FH10, F ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $14.9 | Downloads: 1276
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
ST Thumbnails Explorer (101-250 license) 1.1
Very fast full-function file manager with explorer-like interface which allows to browse the thumbnails of files of the widespread vector editors, as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW and Macromedia FreeHand (AI, CDR, CMX, CCX, CDT, PAT, FH7, FH8, FH9, FH10, F ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $9.9 | Downloads: 1336
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
ST Thumbnails Explorer (251-2000 license) 1.1
Very fast full-function file manager with explorer-like interface which allows to browse the thumbnails of files of the widespread vector editors, as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW and Macromedia FreeHand (AI, CDR, CMX, CCX, CDT, PAT, FH7, FH8, FH9, FH10, F ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $3.9 | Downloads: 1300
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Bome`s Mouse Keyboard 2.00
This program primarily simulates a MIDI keyboard which you can play with the mouse or the computer keyboard. You can control your midi devices without having a real keyboard - for example you can play the internal synth of your sound card. With a virtual ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E20 | Downloads: 1314
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Bome`s Midi Translator 1.31
This utility is installed in-between two midi programs or devices. It analyses incoming midi data (sys ex or normal short messages) and translates them using your definitions. The MIDI-to-MIDI translation changes MIDI message. This is useful to change ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E20 | Downloads: 1391
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
Jazler Radio 2.0 FULL 2.0
JazlerRadio SimplePack is an ideal software for radio stations that need a full walk-away radio automation system. Supports all audio formats. Program music categories every half hour for a week, virtual speakers and sweepers, jingles and commercial sched ... | 0 | Win 95/2000/98/ME | E700 | Downloads: 1469
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
GSonic Stereo Enhancer DirectX Automated Plug-In 1.0
GSonic Stereo Enhancer (DirectX) is the perfect stereo tracking plug-in, featuring a unique stereo widening effect, control of stereo separation, individual control of left and right channel gain and pan, and sample-accurate automation of all parameters u ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $39 | Downloads: 2136
Date added: Sep 27, 2005 |
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